
Author: Alex Dumitrache,

License: GPL

Basic shapes overview


You may download the library in zip format.

You may also clone the project with Git by running:

$ git clone git://


First, you have to copy lib/ into your working folder.

Then, include lib/ and lib/ in your file, and use language tikz in global options section. See the examples below.

First program

def blue<>


global {
    language tikz
    camera view((3,-2,1), (o), [Z])

Compiling the program

Save the program as and compile it using -T option:

$ sketch -T -o pyramid.tex

Now you are ready process pyramid.tex with pdflatex.

For advanced options, see the sketch manual.

You may also use sk2pdf or sk2png to obtain the PDF or PNG directly from .sk source:

$ sk2pdf


The library defines the following constants:

  • (o) (x) (y) (z) - (0,0,0), (1,0,0), (0,1,0) and (0,0,1) as points
  • [O] [X] [Y] [Z] - the same values, as vectors

The unit vectors are useful for transformations:

rotate(30, [X])

Styles and options

Before including the library, you will define a tag for selecting the style. Available styles:

  • blue<>
  • red<>
  • gray<>

Caveat: you may only select the style by name at before including lib/

However, you may redefine style for each object.

Another option is to show the objects in wireframe (without hidden line removal):

  • wireframe<>

You may use this option:

  • Before including lib/ or at the beginning on the file. In this case, the entire scene will be drawn in wireframe.

  • For each object individually (more on this later).


In the figure:

  • top row: default style (when you don’t define any), blue<>, red<>, gray<>
  • bottom row: the same styles, with wireframe<> tag defined


Available objects:

  • {box}
  • {sphere}
  • {cylinder}
  • {cone}
  • {pyramid}
  • {coordsys}


Using the objects

Every object is a drawable (see sketch manual).

Simplest usage: just type the object name


For translating, rotating or scaling the object, use put:

put {translate([5,5,0]) * rotate(10, [X])}

Customizing the objects

If you want to customize the default options, or change the style for a particular object, use the alternate form:

{ input{lib/object_name} }


Triangular pyramid

    def n 3


Alien sphere:

    def style [cull=false, fill=green, fill opacity=0.9]
    def segments 10


The objects have the following options / parameters / tags:

  • all solid objects (box, sphere, cylinder, cone, pyramid):

    • def style [...]

      def style [cull=false, draw=red, fill=green, fill opacity=0.9]

    • def wireframe<>

  • sphere:

    • def varsphere<> - alternative appearance for the sphere (experimental)

    • def segments - sphere resolution (default 20)

  • cylinder and cone:

    • def segments - see sphere

    • def generatrix<> - display the generatrix lines

      Note: wireframe<> implies generatrix<> (and also disables filling).

    • def interior_scale 0.995 - It is useful for reducing artifacts created by thick lines. The interior of the cylinder is drawn a bit smaller than the wireframe. If you have thick lines, try a smaller value. Use 1 to disable this scaling trick.

  • pyramid

    • def n - number of faces
  • coordsys

    • def rgb<> - show a color coordinate system (XYZ)

Overriding default settings

As you know, if you try to override a def, sketch will complain with an error message.

def foo 5
def foo 7  % error!

However, you may override them in a child block.

def foo 5
    def foo 7 
    % it works!
% here, foo is 5 again

Therefore, we’ll do a similar trick to override the defaults for the entire scene:


    def style [cull=false, style=thick, style=dotted, draw=black, fill=white, fill opacity=0.8]
    def generatrix<>
    def segments 40


global {
    language tikz
    camera view((-3,2,1), (o), [Z]) * scale(3)

Annotating objects

For placing labels on a coordinate system, you may use something like this:

def blue<>


        special |\path #1 node[right] {$x$}
                       #2 node[right] {$y$}
                       #3 node[left]  {$z$};|(x)(y)(z)

global {
    language tikz
    camera view((1.5,-2,1), (o), [Z])

So, when you put special|...tikz-statements...|(x)(y)(z) inside a put, the points (x), (y) and (z) will be in the local reference frame of your object.

You will have to adjust manually the position of the label nodes: [right], [left], [above] or [below].

Of course, you may also specify global coordinates. For this, put the annotation commands on the outermost level:

line [arrows=<->, style=dashed] (0,0,2)(5,0,2)

or, with TikZ code for more flexibility:

special|\draw [dashed, <->] #1 -- node[above, sloped]{$dx$} #2;|(0,0,2)(5,0,2)

Be careful when typing TikZ code, since LaTeX error messages are not always intuitive.


Robot kinematics diagram


Each link i has position and orientation relative to its parent (i-1).

Try changing the joint angles (J1J6) and redraw the diagram!

Bugs / Limitations

This library is in alpha stage, so there are many bugs and limitations.

Here are some of them:

  • It only works with PGF/TikZ. It was not tested with PSTricks, but it might work after some small tweaks.
  • You cannot define custom styles with a name (you can only redefine style)
  • It doesn’t like dashed lines (it seems to work, but it looks bad)
  • Sketch gives a lot of warnings about unused items and unknown options
  • Uses some hacks for parametrized objects

Please report all the bugs here. I will be happier if you would try to fix these bugs and send patches, though :)

Useful resources

For Sketch and TikZ:

For 3D graphs in LaTeX you may want to check: